I don't know the reason why we do these things

Friends, Here is the lyrics of the song which I got inspired recently. I am damn sure everyone would have come across the situation. ie. Being hurt by ur loved ones or hurting ur loved ones. I don't know the reason why we do these things Why we fight despite all the tears and the hurt it brings I know no one else can fill this space inside our hearts So then why are we trying to make us break apart? If we love each other, why do we hurt each other? If we need each other, why do we make each other sad? If we care about each other, why do we bring pain to one another? Why do we make each other sad, treat each other bad? If we love each other why do hurt each other this way? Oh, I don't see why you and me cannot get it right Oh, I can't recall the last time that we kissed goodnight I know no one else has touched my soul as much as you And it's such a shame the pain we put each other through If we love each other, why do we hurt each other? If we n...