20 genius stain removing tricks that really work
1. Soak red wine stains in white wine, then cover the stain with a thick baking soda paste. Let it sit a few hours, then wash as usual. 2. Remove white deodorant marks from a garment by gently rubbing the protective foam used on dry-cleaning hangers against the fabric. 3. If you get an oil stain on your favorite handbag, coat the mark with baby powder and let it stand overnight. By morning, the stain should be gone. If a bit still remains, repeat the process until the stain is completely gone. 4. Due to its high level of surfactants, Dawn dish detergent is especially successful at removing grease and oil stains from clothing. 5. Use shaving cream and a washcloth to remove liquid makeup from shirt collars. 6. If you get wax on a piece of clothing, layer wax paper over the hardened wax and then run an iron over it to loosen it up. Once you pull off the paper, the wax should come right out with it. 7. To clean dirt off suede, remove the crust from a piece of brea...