Natural ways to clean your kitchen

The kitchen is the one place in the house that most of us find it difficult in keeping clean. You regularly wash the counter top and wipe it down with your kitchen cloth even then it stinks badly. In a study scientists found that the kitchen cloth was the most bacteria-infested article in one’s home. In some cases, it’s even dirtier than the toilet bowl. The study found that 100% of kitchen cloth in India are heavily contaminated and were found to be the dirtiest item in Indian households and could also harbor dangerous, multi-drug resistant bacteria. So, ditch those chemical cleaning agents, here are some organic and safe ways to rid your kitchen cloth of bacteria and chemical free. Lemon: Lemon juice is natural substance that can be used to clean your home. Lemon is very effective organic cleaning agents. Lemon has astringent, bleaching and anti-bacterial properties. Lemon is a great substance to clean and shine brass and copper. Cut ...