Describe a friendship that fell apart and why/how did it happen

Introduction: Jothi, nicknamed "Joe", was my best friend till now when compared to all other friends. Although I have few other precious friends in my life, she will be my first. She has been with me since the 9th standard (1999). From that day till now, we both have an unspoken love towards each other. She was the one who used to take care of me whenever I went wrong. And used to buy me all the new foods which she ever tastes. She loves me a lot and vice versa. But after 2009, we couldn't spend much time together. Still, our friendship stays in our hearts. Jothi's Wedding: Like many people, after Joe's wedding in June 2009, our communication decreased a lot. She got settled in Singapore with her hubby. But she used to call every week and our friendship continued. We even met a couple of times whenever she came to India. I had a chance to meet her baby. She also came to my wedding in 2013. When and how did we lose contact: After 2014, we hardly had any chances to ...