The significance of the Mathur Aqueduct and our travel to Mathur with my cousins
The Mathur Aqueduct is a historic and magnificent waterway located in the Thiruvattar taluk of Kanniyakumari district of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. The aqueduct was initially constructed for irrigation and water distribution to farmland across the taluks of Vilavancode and Kalkulam. Historical Significance: The Mathur Aqueduct is also called the Mathur Hanging Bridge due to its remarkable structure. Mathoor Aqueduct was constructed in 1966 over the Pahrali River as a drought relief measure to carry water from the Pattanamkal canal for irrigation from an elevated level of one hill to another. Engineering Marvel: The Mathur Aqueduct is unique in that it’s designed to carry water over a deep gorge, which was a significant challenge at the time. It is supported by 28 masonry pillars and the maximum height of the pillars reaches 115 ft. It allows people to walk on the bridge and enjoy the natural beauty of the district. The pillars are mostly set on the rocks of the Pa...