My Life Sarooooooo

A mother (or mum / mom ) is a woman who has raised a child , given birth to a child. Because of the complexity and differences of a mother's social, cultural, and religious definitions and roles, it is challenging to specify a universally acceptable definition for the term. Now its my turn to write about my lovable Mom Sarooooooooooo. Everyone in this world will obviously love their mom, similarly I too luvvvvv my mom a lot. She is one among the best mothers in this world. During my childhood I was a bit afraid of her. Coz she used to be little strict as she is a Teacher by profession. But once I completed my college days she started behaving as a friend. So I started talking more advantage over her in all situations. Me and Saroooooooo She is a wonderful friend for me. I can share anything with her. A sample for true friendship she reads my mind before I spell out my wishes. She buys me before I ask for it. I would like to share an incident which made me...