My Life Sarooooooo

A mother (or mum/mom) is a woman who has raised a child, given birth to a child.  Because of the complexity and differences of a mother's social, cultural, and religious definitions and roles, it is challenging to specify a universally acceptable definition for the term.

Now its my turn to write about my lovable Mom Sarooooooooooo. Everyone in this world will obviously love their mom, similarly I too luvvvvv my mom a lot. She is one among the best mothers in this world. During my childhood I was a bit afraid of her. Coz she used to be little strict as she is a Teacher by profession.  But once I completed my college days she started behaving as a friend. So I started talking more advantage over her in all situations.

Me and Saroooooooo
 She is a wonderful friend for me. I can share anything with her. A sample for true friendship she reads my mind before I spell out my wishes. She buys me before I ask for it. I would like to share an incident which made me love her a lot. When I was 15, I told her that I haven't tasted Lentil Creeps (Adai Dosa). The next day ie within 12 hrs, she tried Lentil Creeps and served it in front of me. Even though it was a new recipe she tried it on her own. That instance made me think she lives for me.

And she is so innocent. A sample for her innocence, she went for some hotel with her colleagues, and had Gulfi ice cream. She liked it a lot and the next day itself she bought it for me and my brother. Me and my brother have tasted it before and so we dint show any surprise over it. She asked how is it and why we dint comment on it. She felt sad and commented that any new food tasted by her was brought to us by her which made me shed my tears.

She is such a wonderful lady to be with. Luvvvvv u so much saroooooooo. I don’t want to miss u in my life. And I don’t believe in next birth, but if suppose I had one, I am damn sure I want you as my mommmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!:):):):):)

Iniyoru Jenmam Eduththu Vandhaalum

Un Maganaagum Varam Tharuvaay

Un Vittu Chinna Kuyil Nee Konjchum Vanna Kuyil Naanthaane

Naan Vayathil Valarnthaal Kuda, Madi Unjchal Vendum Aada

Saro in her early days....


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