Awesome Recipe.

Hi Friends

This blog post is about my Sweet Little Frnd Heleena.... :):):) Recently she made a very big comedy.... I would like to share about that wonderful incident....

One day she brought Kashmiri Chicken to office which was made by her lovable dad.... At that time I was having some restrictions towards eating Chicken. So I couldn’t have a try on it....

I was very eager to taste Kashmiri Chicken coz the dish was new to me.... And she promised me that she will bring that chicken soon after my restrictions towards chicken was over....

But the poor kid forgot to bring it.... And in the meantime several things happened and her dad fell sick. So she couldn’t keep her promise.... Finally, what she did was she brought the wonderful recipe in a small paper....  As she is new to cooking and kitchen she couldn’t write the exact terms of the recipe.... Below I have pasted the scanned copy of the funny recipe which will make you understand how good was her cooking knowledge.... Please have a look into it.... Hope this recipe will make you prepare the dish exactly...:))


And I tried it last week it came good.... I followed the same recipe directed by her.... But I am not sure whether that  its exactly Kashmiri Chicken.... :))

Kashmiri Chicken as per Heleenaaaaaa
Enjoy the dish and post your valuable comments about the dish and her as well.....:))


  1. Lol...That is indeed a good recipe with some special terms. will try it soon..


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