5 Marriage Lessons that Mothers Should Give to Their Sons

Dear Moms, its in your hands if your going to ruin you son life after wedding or if your going to teach him some valuable things for him to enjoy life with his better half. Please make sure you teach him some valuable things for him to enjoy life with his better half. MIL may be the short form of Military, but that doesn't mean all MIL's are as strict as military people. Make sure you try to impress her in the first few days of your togetherness. Because first impression is the best impression. Thank GOD for blessing me with an awesome Mother in Law, a second mom. Don’t compare your wife with me! A mother should make sure that her son never compares his wife to her. Whether it comes to cooking or managing the household, most men end up comparing their better halves to their mommies (knowingly or unknowingly). Dear son, you need to realise that your mother has more than two decades of experience of being a wife (and mother). While, your life par...