5 Marriage Lessons that Mothers Should Give to Their Sons

Dear Moms, its in your hands if your going to ruin you son life after wedding or if your going to teach him some valuable things for him to enjoy life with his better half. Please make sure you teach him some valuable things for him to enjoy life with his better half. 

MIL may be the short form of Military, but that doesn't mean all MIL's are as strict as military people.  Make sure you try to impress her in the first few days of your togetherness. Because first impression is the best impression. Thank GOD for blessing me with an awesome Mother in Law, a second mom.

Don’t compare your wife with me! 

A mother should make sure that her son never compares his wife to her. Whether it comes to cooking or  managing the household, most men end up comparing their better halves to their mommies (knowingly or unknowingly). Dear son, you need to realise that your mother has more than two decades of experience of being a wife (and mother). While, your life partner is as new to marriage as you are. So, whether it is her culinary skills, managing the budget, waking up on time, or anything that the super-mommy does better, do not compare it all with your wife. Your wife is just as awesome in her own way (isn’t that the reason you both are together?), and some day she will be just an awesome mommy to your child.

Your wife is not your "mommy"!

That’s right, guys! Your wife is not your mommy. This means, it is time to grow up, become responsible, and do some work yourself. And don’t crib about how your mother used to pamper you all the time. You were your mother’s baby, and she was there to take care of you. On the other hand, to your wife, you are her companion, and so you both have to take care of each other. Help her out, divide work, and no matter what, take care of your own things. This means, socks go in the laundry and not on the floor and the wet towel does not belong on the bed.

Respect your life partner!

Yes, your parents will always be important for you and even for your better half. Having said that, your wife is the one who will be standing by your side and facing all the ups and downs with you always. So, she needs to be treated as an equal. Share with her everything, take her advice in every decision, and give importance to her opinions. Make her your priority. She will never be able to or try to undermine your mother’s position in your life. But, she too deserves your respect. Once you truly see your wife as your ‘better half’ and ‘life partner’, you will be living the happiest marriage. 

Help your wife at every step!

Your wife has kissed goodbye to her family and home for you. So, now it is your turn to make her feel as comfortable as possible in the new home. Her life has turned upside down, and even small things can make her uncomfortable and anxious. So, make sure you become her partner and guide in her new home. Also, make sure that she feels at ease to talk about her feelings. Make sure that you do small little things to make her adjustment to the new environment and lifestyle pleasant and easy.

Never stop loving your better half!

Not even 40 years later when her hair will not be shiny black or stylish and her face will not have her natural pink blush. Love her unconditionally. Accept her just the way she is because that is the reason you chose her as your better half. Keep surprising her, make her laugh, sweep her off her feet, and keep the relationship forever new and young. Tell her how much you love her even when her hair is all messy when she wakes up in the morning, or when she has flour on her face while she is makingchappatis, and all the other times when she feels that she looks like a mess. Mommy dear, please share your ‘happy and healthy marriage’ secrets with him, because he also needs them as much as your daughters or daughters-in-law do.


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