US weather: all 50 states fall below freezing

United States and southern Canada experienced a bad frigid air and "polar vortex" that affected about 240 million people in the United States. This is noted as the very dangerous blizzard in the US history in the last 20 years.

We can understand the severity of the blizzard by the seeing the pictures of frozen Niagara falls. The Midwest of America, where the Niagara Falls are, has been experiencing temperatures as low as -37C!

An Arctic blast of cold air has brought freezing temperatures in all 50 states of America! 50 US cities set new record low temperatures on Tuesday.

Its is predicted that the temperature will reach its normal level in another two days.

The areas worst affected due to the cold are from East to Michigan and Minnesota to Illinois. On Monday, the noontime temperature in Chicago was recorded at -14F, which is 7th coldest in the city after 1930.

The officials asked people to stay warm and safe to escape from the worst cold weather.


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