Joe my dear friend

A true friend is someone who sticks by you when you are down and celebrates with you when you are up. It's someone you trust. It is someone who understands you, knows the real you and appreciates the person you are.

Its Joeeeeeeeeeeeeeee<3
Jothi nicknamed as "Joe"- is my best till now when compared to all other friends. She is with me from 9th standard. From that day till now we both have an unspoken love towards each other. She is the one who used to take care of me when ever I go wrong. And used to buy me all new foods which ever she tastes. She loves me a lot and vice versa.

Joe is a calm person with a bright smile on her face. One who never can be hated. Very lovable, very understanding similar to my mom, of course she and my mom are of same character(Same zodiac and sun sign toooo :)) lucky to have her as my friend. Really I can promise you that who ever had a chance to move with her will like her a lot.

And just wanted to share this with you. Joe got married three yrs back and now she is having a kid and settled in chennai. The day she got married, ie, the moment Murugan anna(Joe's hubby) tied a knot, without my knowledge I felt something precious I am gonna miss and I started crying :((. Miss you sooooo much reallllly. Recently had a chance to meet her and her kid. Was happy the whole day…. Love u dear.
Joe with her Sweet Hubby and Mother-in-Law
We were friends for nearly 12 to 13 yrs. Ever since we became friends we didnt have any big clashes. One fine day ie 9th may 2007, we were preparing for our final exam in her house. Her mom was shouting at her and was complaining about her to me. At tat time I supported her mom and not Joe. That was the first instance I saw Joe shouting at me toooo hard, and I started crying and she too started crying. The entire night we both dint talk much. We stayed too calm and went for our exams. And the same evening I found a letter in my book saying sorry for what she did. Wrong is on both sides but she initiated and asked sorry. I was surprised to see her magnanimity.


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