My advice about marriage

What is Marriage?

A formal union, marriage is a social, and legal contract between two individuals that unites their lives legally, economically, and emotionally. The contractual marriage agreement usually implies that the couple has legal obligations to each other throughout their lives.

Tips For You :
Key Rule
"Marriage is forever. You have to stick it out no matter how miserable you are."

So first and foremost thing is Adjustments then follows  Commitments, Responsibilities, Togetherness, Caring, etc. Meanwhile after marriage life will be full of roses if you accept your husband and their side people too.

Golden Rule

Marriage is not always 50/50. Some days you will wake up and may have to give 90% and your spouse will give 10%. Other days you may wake up and give 25% and your husband will have to put in the 75%. I never thought of this before but it is so true." ~ Meme
Problem arises if you don’t understand your spouse and keep on blaming. So try to adhere to the above said Golden Rule.

Worthy Rule
"Don't fight over money because there is never enough to go around anyway."

If fund is only problem try to plan something which will fit in ur budget rather than finding fault in others. And never ever get more loans and borrow money, which will ruin your entire life span. Try to plan your budget wisely by discussing with your partner.

Meaningful Rul
“Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed.”

This is another rule to be kept in mind before getting committed. Rather than dreaming try to accept the fact.:) Be the change to see the change my dear friends.

Romantic Rule
"Don't go to bed angry at each other." ~ Ibn Tumart
"When you go to bed at night, it doesn't matter how angry or sad you are, you don't have to say anything but you always, always touch toes. Just a little reminder that I'm here and I still love you no matter what."
"Always kiss before bed, even if you're angry. It's what you'll miss the most."

As per our customs I had wedding preparation classes in which many shared their real life examples. This was the first thing they taught. Try to have a healthy conversations before going to bed.

Delighting Rule

Surprise is the greatest gift which life can grant us.

Try to delight your partners with surprises. It may be even a candy. This is especially for guys, as girls love surprises and expect the same more from you than anything. When you gift something for your spouse don’t look for a costlier gift, try something which will bring you good memories for years.

Most Expected Rule
True Lines- "Don't expect a perfect love from any of your close ones... Just show…

Never expect anything. Because we tend to fight only when we don’t get what we desire.  Normally people expect a lot and there arises different problems.

Love Rule
“My advice for someone getting married would not be to learn how to get along, but to learn how to fight fairly and productively.”

When you fight please don’t use harsh words, coz spoken words can never be taken back. Never let fight dominate your Luv. 

Impressive Rule
"Tell [your wife] she's beautiful every day and no matter how old you get, how sore your 'ol bones feel, or how many teeth you lose, slow dance with and kiss [your wife] every chance you get. You never know when you won't be able to again."

Because this will the first and foremost any girl will love to hear from her soulmate. If she dresses up in her new attire, try to compliment her with few words or a gentle kiss on her forehead make her day.

Life Jacket Rule
"Do not hold grudges. Forget, forgive and remember how you fell in love in the first place."

And never keep on forcing your partner to do something.

20th Century Rule
"Learn how to agree to disagree. No two people agree on everything, and that's okay, but it's important to be okay with each other's differences." - Lee Bowers, LP, PhD

Never think to win the argument always. If your partner sticks to something though it is hard to accept, try to 

Time Rule
Make a list of three of the happiest moments in your marriage. Spend a few minutes each day briefly reliving those moments in your mind. The results will amaze you. - Lucia, Dating Coach

This is key rule for a successful life :). I have experienced this. Happy that I got a life partner who thinks me as his first priority.

Fantasy Rule
 Appreciate your partner at least five times each day. Appreciate them from your heart about who they are at their essence. Leave gratitude in love notes, hide them so they will find them, or look deeply into their eyes and tell them. Be creative! - Linda Marie, RN, BSN

Hope these rules helped you. I have listed only few of them. Most important is 

Remember the love U feel today. Make sure it grows daily


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