20 genius stain removing tricks that really work
1. Soak red wine
stains in white wine, then cover the stain with a thick baking soda paste. Let
it sit a few hours, then wash as usual.
2. Remove white
deodorant marks from a garment by gently rubbing the protective foam used on
dry-cleaning hangers against the fabric.
3. If you get an oil
stain on your favorite handbag, coat the mark with baby powder and let it stand
overnight. By morning, the stain should be gone. If a bit still remains, repeat
the process until the stain is completely gone.
4. Due to its high
level of surfactants, Dawn dish detergent is especially successful at removing
grease and oil stains from clothing.
5. Use shaving cream
and a washcloth to remove liquid makeup from shirt collars.
6. If you get wax on
a piece of clothing, layer wax paper over the hardened wax and then run an iron
over it to loosen it up. Once you pull off the paper, the wax should come right
out with it.
7. To clean dirt off
suede, remove the crust from a piece of bread and allow it to become stale.
Gently rub dirt and stains with the edge of the stale bread, and they’ll
disappear. To de-scuff suede, use an eraser or nail file.
8. Use hairspray to
remove a lipstick stain.
9. If blush or
bronzer breaks in your handbag, pre-moistened makeup removing wipes will clean
up the loose powder flawlessly.
10. Spritzed some
perfume onto your silk dress by accident? Apply a few drops of denatured
alcohol on a cheesecloth pad and sponge the area from the outside in.
11. According to
Cleaning Tips, remove to stubborn sweats stains by applying a mixture of cream
of tartar, crushed aspirin, and warm water to the area. Wait twenty minutes,
then rinse with warm water.
12. To remove
watermarks from leather boots, add a few drops of vinegar to a bowl of cool
water and scrub the stains with a soft bristle brush until stains are no longer
visible. Let dry overnight.
13. Windex restores
the glossy sheen on patent leather without doing any damage.
14. Use a lemon
wedge to remove excess or streaky self-tanner on your body.
15. Spilled coffee
or tea? Sponge the stain with lukewarm water before gently blotting with a bit
of glycerin.
16. Spray shirts
prone to sweat stains with lemon juice before washing. The natural acid
dissolves alkaline sweat reside that could cause yellow discoloration.
17. To remove ink
stains on cotton, gently use rubbing alcohol, then wash. If it’s on polyester,
spray liberally with hair spray and pat with a clean, dry cloth, before
throwing the item into the machine.
18. Remember: When
it comes to stains, never forcefully rub or pound—this further ingrains marks.
Instead, always blot.
19. To remove stains
from white cloth, soak the garment in few drops of acid substance which is
called Ala http://www.rin.in/rin-ala .
Wait twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water.
20. To clean white
tile, mop the floor with warm water and a vinegar solution.
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