Describe the day you found out you were pregnant with your first child; your thoughts and feelings.


I am not sure if people in my circle know that I have been dealing with unexplained fertility issues and childlessness for three years. So as a person you can understand how much I would have longed to enjoy the parenthood. During this time, I started doing many different things which includes stone work for my silk sarees, quilling and gardening. 

Positive Pregnancy Result

On Nov 5 2017, I saw a flower on my lady's finger plant and that day my life started blooming too. I saw those two beautiful lines in my pregnancy kit for the only time in my life. On Nov 5th early morning around 5am I took this pregnancy test and showed to my husband. We couldn't believe our eyes. Yes I got pregnancy after 4.5 years of marriage life. Me and my husband were able to witness this happiness for only one time. Till today every year on Nov 5th I get goosebumps. I am and will preserve this kit forever. I even have a piece of my son's umbilical card. No words to express the happiness and joy when I saw those lines. 

Jaden's Birth

I am grateful forever to God for blessing me with miracle baby on June 23, 2018. I have named him "Jaden". Jaden meaning "God has answered our prayers". Many of my relatives, family friends, my mom's friends, etc have prayed for this pregnancy. Forever I am grateful to everyone. Thank you all. 

Children are blessing from our almighty. At this moment I would like to pray for all those who are longing for pregnancy. Dear God bless everyone with children and good health too.

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