What brings you happiness. All the big and little things

“Don’t rely on someone else for your happiness and self-worth. Only you can be responsible for that. If you can’t love and respect yourself – no one else will be able to make that happen. Accept who you are – completely; the good and the bad – and make changes as YOU see fit – not because you think someone else wants you to be different.” This is very true in my case. 

People who are very close to me know a few things on this list.


Chit-chatting with my mom and bro for hours


A mom and sibling can never be replaced. A person is lucky enough if he/she is blessed with a family with whom she can share all the happening. I am blessed with a mom and brother who spare their time to listen to my naughty and senseless talk. Love you both.


Seeing a baby's smile


Right from the age of 10, I love to see babies. Being a first cousin, I have enjoyed watching my younger cousins grow up. I am least bothered about the location when it comes to admiring a baby's smile. By God's grace, I am blessed with a wonderful baby. A mom's great joy is seeing your child's laughter. 

Spending time with my in-laws


In my granny's house we used to have nice fun and laughter, but timing will be a big concern. Few of them have the habit of sleeping early and waking up early (which doesn't suit me). But in my in-laws place it's totally different. Everyone there has the habit of chatting during the nighttime. And we can hardly find anyone sleeping.


Vacation with cousins


I have 10 beautiful cousins. Including me and my brother, my grandparents were blessed with 10 grandchildren. Before my wedding, we used to meet during our summer vacation in one common house (it would be mostly my granny's place) for a minimum of three days. During this time we will have three things on our must-do list.


  • Visiting any tourist spots (We have been to Kanyakumari, Veli, etc)
  • Having lunch in memory of my Grandfather who died in 2001
  • Taking photos which will give you some pleasant memories.


After my cousin and I got married, things changed. We hardly used to meet. The last time we all met was after our grandmom's death. Yes, I lost one of my moms. If you want to know more, please read my other post. Coming Dec 28,29 and 30, 2017 in order to make my granny - who is heaven happy, we have planned for a get-together. Hope things happen as planned.


Potato Fry 

Basically, I am a good eater. I have never been so choosy when it comes to eating. People who know me personally will know my love for food, esp. Potato Fry. I have been sadist and selfish when sharing potato fries. Sorry my dear friends for not sharing the potatoes.



I am the kind of person who roams a lot of right from my school days. When I was on Std 11th after getting TVS Scooty, I used to roam to all parts of Tirunelveli with my set of friends. Except for overnight journeys, I stay awake on all other travels for sightseeing.

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